On this page, we have collected the latest information about our company.
2025. February 06. conference
We were at the PREGA 2025 ExhibitionWe participated in the PREGA Conference and Exhibition in Kecskemét, where visitors could discover the future of precision agriculture between 4-5 February. At our joint stand we presented the Fertitronic plant sensor which we developed together with Tomelilla Agrotechnika Kft.
2025. January 29. collaboration
We met again with the engineers of the futureThe Z Elektronika team was once again pleased to participate in the open day of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, University of Pécs on January 16th. As a dual partner, we consider it extremely important that young people learn about the benefits of dual training first-hand. Students can not only acquire the latest theoretical […]
2025. January 07. recognition
We have been awarded the Family Friendly Workplace CertificateWe are pleased to announce that Z Elektronika Kft. has been awarded the Family Friendly Workplace certificate! We have successfully fulfilled the requirements of the state-recognized certification and received the trademark. This recognition confirms our commitment to the well-being of our employees and the creation of a work-life balance.
2024. December 18. csr
Charity bake sale and shoebox giftsA bite of love. We held a charity bake sale with our colleagues in favor of Dominik Sági. We donated the money to the treatment of the little boy from Zengővárkony, who is struggling with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and the cost of gene therapy is incredibly high. But a little goes a long way, and […]
2024. December 17. event
We participated in the UP-FEIT Open DayThe team of Z Elektronika was delighted to participate in the open day organized by the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Pécs on 6 December, where we had the opportunity to meet with prospective students. As a dual partner of the faculty, we believe it is important to showcase the benefits and […]
2024. December 03. csr
We reward excellenceAs one of the region’s leading electronics companies, we remain committed to supporting education, which is why we were pleased to contribute to the “Rewarding Excellence!” scholarship program of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics of the University of Pécs (UP-FEIT). The recognition is for newly admitted students, i.e. freshmen. Full-time students who have entered […]