Company information
- Company name: Z Electronics Development, Manufacturing and Trading Limited Liability Company
- Group tax number or Tax number: 11541484202
- Company registration number: 02 09 064567
- Full name: Z Electronics Development, Manufacturing and Trading Limited Liability Company
- Abbreviated name: Z Elektronika Kft.
- Address: 7630 Pécs, Bajor utca 5., Hungary
- Web address:
- Main activity: 2612. Production of electronic circuit boards
- Date of establishment: 01.01.1997
- Registered capital: HUF 8,000,000
- Date of last financial report: 31.12.2023
- Net sales: HUF 6,057,884,069
- Net sales: EUR 15,826,020
- Date of last headcount data: 04.03.2023
- Latest number of employees: 167 people
- Number of owners: 1 person
- Number of leaders: 1 person
Additional company data and accounts can be downloaded from the website of the Hungarian Ministry of Justice: